Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Dog Ate My Blog

Hi There!

Sorry I've been MIA for the last couple of weeks. My husband and I made a major life decision and got a dog three weeks ago! This is Gus. He's a four year old Weimaraner that we adopted from the Great Lakes Weimaraner Rescue. We went into this adoption eyes wide open, but this dog has drastically changed our lives and schedules. As a result, I have not been cooking nearly as much lately and what I have cooked, I haven't had a chance to blog about. I think we're getting into more of a routine these days though, so I hope to be back to blogging regularly in no time!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the dog! Meanwhile I saw this today and it made me remember your Banana Bread post so I'm passing it on
